While we are staying safe in our homes, there’s no reason to miss out on your antenatal class, yoga class, favourite storyteller or singing & dancing group!
Here’s a helpful directory of some of our brilliant local services who have adapted to these difficult times by offering their classes or services online.

Zoe’s lovely pregnancy and baby yoga classes are now online. Check out her post for more information & timetable : https://www.facebook.com/MBBWorcester/photos/a.1715328762048627/2405909532990543/?type=3&theater
Yogabellies Worcestershire Live Class Timetable

Becoming Families local antenatal classes are now online! www.becomingfamilies.co.uk
NCT are now running their antenatal classes online. Malvern Hills NCT is currently preparing virtual support options for local parents.
New virtual breastfeeding support group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/210583230028739/
NCT Yoga for Pregnancy – Evesham
‘Namaste yogis. I hope you are all keeping well & safe. I know some of you are missing our classes so I’ve recorded some breathing & contractions for you to practise at home. Visit the Facebook page to find out more.

Mini First Aid our 2 hour baby and child first aid classes are now online with the addition of a face to face session when it is safe to do so.

I’m now working online with consults for new mums and their babies (consults are free at the moment). People consider Osteopaths to be just hands on and yes that’s a lot of what we do. But, we can also give advice on positioning, massage, stretches and individual exercises for both mum & baby.
Silver Fern Family Osteopaths. 01386 304128.
Kerrie of Calma Birthing HypnoBirthing™ is now offering her wonderful courses online via Zoom (starting on 20th April) https://www.facebook.com/pg/calmabirthing/services/?service_id=2634060053348503&ref=page_internal
Baby Sensory Worcester, Malvern & Pershore are running live classes 4 days a week and are open to anyone who would like to join us x https://www.facebook.com/BabySensoryWorcester/
Debutots Worcestershire
Bring the magic of Debutots into your own home with online interactive storytelling and dramatic play sessions that take your children on a different adventure every week.
Join me for singing, dancing, stories, puppets and bubbles to bring some delightful imaginative play and fun to your family.
All classes come with an activity pack to extend and enhance the experience for you and your children.
https://www.facebook.com/Debutotsworcester/ (see pinned post)

Hartbeeps North Worcestershire have our fab programme hartbeeps @ home. 6 days a week of multi-sensory activity, sing-a-longs, stories and raves. It’s just £20 for a daily (6 days a week) video for 4 weeks. Suitable from newborn to pre-school
Musical Mama online baby and toddler musical sensory sessions Wednesday and Thursday mornings and some Saturdays. Check the fb page. Antenatal classes and baby massage soon to come!
We’ve gone online for our TinyTalk Baby Signing and Toddler Talking sessions which are streamed via Facebook Live. Our sessions are 1hr long and are £5.50 per session PAYG. All class details can be found at www.tinytalk.co.uk/molliep. Any questions just ask!

Sing & Sign @ Home! We are offering a 10 week online baby signing course at Sing and Sign Malvern, Worcester & Ledbury https://www.facebook.com/SingandSignMalvernandWorcester/ Booking Link :https://www.bookmyclass.co.uk/singandsign/default.aspx?FID=124
Pyjama Drama South Worcestershire are delivering FREE interactive live videos on their page!
*FREE* Amy from Musical Explorers has recorded lots of lovely songs for you all to have fun joining in with at home. Musical Explorers is an independent business based in Peopleton and Pershore. Amy usually runs her interactive music classes for children from 6 months – 4 years so she wanted to help to entertain families at home, with new songs added on Tuesdays and Fridays! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1139737923056036/ https://www.facebook.com/musicalexplorers.co.uk/
The lovely Once Upon a Story – Baby and Toddler Classes are looking at getting things online soon. Keep an eye on their page.
Rhythm Time Online for children from birth to year one. New Young Baby course for babies from birth – 5 months with opportunities to connect with other new mums. https://online.rhythmtime.net/south-birmingham-north…
I’m posting FREE movement, water fun & other fun activities. www.facebook.com/miniwateradventurersswimschool
45 minute Jungle Jiggle live session via Facebook Live every Friday morning at 10am. They can be accessed at www.facebook.com/junglejiggle
How about booking a Virtual Birthday Party for your little one! A 45 minute virtual Birthday party with singing, dancing, a party game, plus a visit form Big Reggie our party dancing elephant. There is plenty of time for ‘Happy Birthday’ too! The party is run via Zoom and is suitable for 3rd/4th and 5th Birthdays and up to 15 guests. Enquiries can be made at www.junglejiggle.co.uk/parties
Jitterbugs Dance are a holding 2 classes a week free of charge on Facebook live! https://www.facebook.com/JennysJitterbugs/
J’s Dance Factory are running ‘Stay at Home’ Online Classes! https://www.facebook.com/JDFKiddi/

Free printables etc.